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As we have informed you earlier, to restrict and break the defence in the Adnan Oktar case, 4 of the defence counsels were detained on March 30,  without a permit from the Ministry of Justice. One of these attorneys was arrested, and the other 3 were released with judicial control measures. We have also informed you

Another lawyer of Mr. Adnan Oktar is arrested on unlawful grounds, while another three are released on condition of judicial control after having been held in custody for four days. The aim is to deprive Mr. Oktar and the other defendants of defense, to intimidate the other defense lawyers, and thus force them to withdraw


Below you can find highlights from the defense made by defense attorneys in July, 2020: An extensive investigation and police operation was held against Mr. Adnan Oktar and his friends in 1999 with the same allegations and the accused were acquitted from all of the charges. Nevertheless, a new case was filed with same accusations and